20 May 2008

Summer in LA!?!?

Peter and I are planning on living in LA for the summer we have been looking at the map and trying to figure out where we are going to be staying, and other fun things we can and will be doing! we are super excited and also nervous. We are planning on driving there with our friend Kasey coming along for the ride.

19 May 2008

a day with Torben and Karen

Pete and I were home for mom's birthday. Torben and Karen were also in on their Holiday to America from Denmark! We had a nice day playing vikingspil, eating deserts and chatting.
Mom waiting her turn to play the viking game
Uncle David throwing the stick

Karen setting up the bricks for the other team to knock down.

Peter having a good time playing the viking game

Karen watching the boys play

Pete making a sculpture with the blocks

Torben helping peter

Torben showing his tricks with the sticks

Grandpa showing Pete his Solar Power Radio