One time when my sister and I were young we were digging in the back yard and found one of our previously owned Hamsters. When we buried it several years earlier we put it in a glass jar to protect it from scavengers. We obviously forgot about the hamster filled jar and ran up to the house to wash off the jar to get a better look at it before opening it up. To our dismay, after rinsing we see its decaying body smooshed up in the jar...
Since moving the the town of clintonville, we have been trying new and delicious beers from the local PaceHigh beverage store. We have been looking mostly for domestic beers that dont suck. Its a shame that when people come to America we promote our "gross" beers like Natural Light and Budlight. There are so many very good breweries in the states that need more drinkers. I am hoping to post more as I try them, to show some of my favorites.