28 April 2008


Over this past weekend I went camping with The Ohio State University: Anthropology Club. Around 5.5 hour drive down south we ended up in central Kentucky to see the Natural Land Bridge in Daniel Boone Natural Forest. Little did we know that nearly all of Kentucky is dry (no sale of alcohol, this gave us a mission. We ended up finding a little shack that sold beer and other random beverages. We did tons of fun hiking, drinking, eating, and bug swatting. I still do not have a digital camera so these are some pictures that my roommate Alex took. Over all it was a good trip, made some friends, and enjoyed being away from the house.
Cant wait for the next camping trip!

Josh and I on the hike

Crazy rock

Alex, Me, David on the trail towards the Natural Bridge

Stairs to assist the mountain hike

Sam, Meghan, and me

The gang (Sam, Alex, Meghan, Brittany, Allison, Josh, David and myself)


Sweet rocks

Sam down below

24 April 2008

damn the man

In my photography class we have a project due once a week. That isn't that big of a problem its more that she only gives us one day in the lab to develop and enlarge our photos (and that day is the day she explains the assignment). I tried to explain to her that it was impossible to make perfect prints when there is absolutely no time to work on them, especially with limited lab hours. I am super frustrated and don't know what to do. Well hopefully I can get the project done for Tuesday.

23 April 2008

Photography Project 4 & 5

Assignment 4 Reaction to Place

Shoot at least three rolls of 36 exposure film. Speed will depend on what you plan on photographing. You must choose a partner for this assignment.

Exhibit 5 photographs each which present a response to a place. This may take many forms, including but not limited to, a conceptual response to space, literal representation, or an intuitive response. The photos must relate to each other in some way.

You will turn in (in a manila envelope labeled with your name):

All contact sheets

5 perfect final prints

A 1-2 page statement addressing the work

Assignment 5 Psychological Self-Portrait

The Photogram is a camera-less photograph made by placing an object or group of objects directly onto a sheet of photographic paper.

Bring objects to class. Use these objects to create at least 5 self-portraits. This is a hightly conceptual assignment, so think outside the box. Each photos must relate to the next and follow sequence.

You will turn in (in a manila envelope labeled with your name):

5 final prints (at least)

A 1-2 page statement addressing the work


So I have been looking to buy a point and shoot camera as well as a digital SLR. I hope to be soon posting tons of pictures.

For the time being we are almost half way through the quarter at Ohio State University. The sun is out people are happy and I am having a hard time keeping up with my photography projects. Currently I am in a Black and White photography class where we use the darkroom to produce our prints. I have a Nikon FM2 which works very well.

If anyone has any recommendations on either a point and shoot or Digital SLR then I am all ears.

Almost a month till Mikkel and friends come to America!