23 April 2008

Photography Project 4 & 5

Assignment 4 Reaction to Place

Shoot at least three rolls of 36 exposure film. Speed will depend on what you plan on photographing. You must choose a partner for this assignment.

Exhibit 5 photographs each which present a response to a place. This may take many forms, including but not limited to, a conceptual response to space, literal representation, or an intuitive response. The photos must relate to each other in some way.

You will turn in (in a manila envelope labeled with your name):

All contact sheets

5 perfect final prints

A 1-2 page statement addressing the work

Assignment 5 Psychological Self-Portrait

The Photogram is a camera-less photograph made by placing an object or group of objects directly onto a sheet of photographic paper.

Bring objects to class. Use these objects to create at least 5 self-portraits. This is a hightly conceptual assignment, so think outside the box. Each photos must relate to the next and follow sequence.

You will turn in (in a manila envelope labeled with your name):

5 final prints (at least)

A 1-2 page statement addressing the work

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